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Swiss Sense
~ Sleeping on a cloud – a bedtime story
Eefje has a dream: she wants to sleep on a cloud.
Her mother thinks it is impossible, but Eefje has a rich fantasy and is resourceful. Would a ladder do the trick? Or maybe a stork could give her a ride? Or just maybe a hot air balloon would take her far enough?
When her dream seems impossible to reach,
she finds her imagination is enough.
I was commissioned by Swiss Sense to illustrate a bedtime story for little children.
It was printed as a small children’s book and was given away as a present for clients and influencers.
It was a fun, creative and cute story to work on. I especially loved the outcome of the heron.
It was also a tight deadline: With some help from my intern Nadive Govers, I made all the illustrations and did all the fine-tuning in 10 days.
You can find the entire PDF of the illustrated story below. It’s in Dutch, but hopefully the illustrations say enough for the international visitor.
Credits: Illustrator: Julia Jager Intern illustrator: Nadine Govers Story: Stacey Lampe Idea and design: Hanneke Kanters Editorial staff: Pauline Wooninck & Lucia Velthuis